Pre Loved Superb pair of Naim NAP 135 Monobloc power amplifiers, AVONDALED!
Product Description
These are the most famous and iconic Naim power amplifiers, and this pair is even more special. Everyone in the hifi industry has warm feelings and memories about the Naim 135s. And old Naim gear is very collectible but is it really as good as the new Naims?
Usually it's hard to tell as the older pieces have the wear and tear of use and won't sound as good as when new. This pair though has had the full Avondale upgrade treatment with new power amp audio boards, all new power supply layout boards and even new transformers. ( I have the list if you want)
This is better than a new pair of 135s, these are new and improved. I've just been listening to them and they sound superb. The sparkle is there along with effortless power delivery and control. Well worth the asking price as this condition and performance is so rare.
These will be shipped in Naim 135 packing and boxes, although not the original ones.
Serial numbers 87838 and 39, supplied by ourselves new
The real comparison with today's equivalent is versus a pair of £ 13000 NAP 350s, and I just happen to have a pair beside these in the dem room right now, wait for the Blog coming soon!